Tagged: Philly hip hop awards 2013

This one’s for the fans! I will send you three of my singles, “Flavors” ft. King Kasheef, “She the One” ft. King Kasheef, and “All Black” ft. Mr. Man for free. All you have to do is the join the two networks listed below for free and follow the easy instructions:

FUSIONCASH – Sign up, confirm your email, and complete at least one offer. There are many free offers to complete. You can earn decent part time income that will help you out on a bill or two.

CASHCRATE – Sign up, confirm your email, then it is your choice to stay active. I recommend that you stay active, because you can also earn a nice little part time income here too.

Email my manager at mattbible@mattbible.com with your username so we can credit the proper people and send you your singles. Everybody who participates also is in the running for the upcoming Yun6 Canon T-Shirts set to come out really soon!
