Category: Blog

Blood Lil bro doing his thing south west Philly, we here that’s all I can say Hero The Valiant has his video shoot this Thursday. I myself will be in the studio tonight latest tomorrow night the city working … I’m glad, I see other cities unite and work together. Philly never really been on that type time, but now is the future and the sun is shining! Let’s get it #600

Big shout out to DJ Malone from Chi Town Urban Radio who made the trip out from Chicago last month when I performed at Lyric’s Lounge in Philly as one of the openers for Gillie Da Kid. I appreciate the video he did. It takes you behind the scenes with interviews, performances, and more!

Listen to Chi Town Urban Radio at and follow them on Instagram @chitownurbanradio

This is a new collaboration with myself and country singer, Seth Keiffer, who also plays guitar in the song. This is something way different from me. Hope you enjoy this. Canon’s going outside the box on this one! Follow Seth @sethkeiffer on Instagram as well!